Landlord Notice To Tenant To Vacate Form. A proper Notice to Vacate Form should be one that is given at the proper time and contains all the necessary information. When a residential tenant has violated the lease agreement, such as being behind on rent or the tenant has violated the lease in other ways, a residential landlord must follow the notice laws regarding failure to pay rent and eviction.
Use this notice if you're a tenant whose contract specifies you must give advance notification before vacating your This sample notice of intent to vacate below notifies the landlord that the tenant intends to vacate the property.
To the above Tenant and all others now in possession of the below described premises: You are hereby requested to quit, vacate and deliver possession thereof to the undersigned on or before.
So until it is completely vacated, the cleaning Your landlord may ask you to help make the place available to show potential new tenants. The notice includes the date the tenant. These order the tenant to vacate the premises with no chance to pay the rent or correct a lease.