Landlord Lease Agreement Ontario. Our Ontario Lease Agreement is equipped with ON Assist guidelines that spell out province regulations. The standard lease does not apply to care homes, sites in mobile home parks and land lease communities, most social and supportive housing, certain other special.
Download a PDF of the Standard Form of Lease to make sure your landlord is using the same form for your rental agreement.
This Agreement is entered into by [LANDLORD] ("Landlord") AND [TENANT] ("Tenant") and outlines the rights and obligations of both parties relating to rental of property at the [LANDLORD] and [TENANT] are collectively referred to in this Residential Landlord-Tenant Agreement as the "Parties." Land lease agreement.
Ontario has a Standard Form of Lease for residential properties. Being a landlord in Ontario can mean lots of statutes to understand, paperwork to fill out, and information to manage. Ontario Tenants Most Asked Questions And Answers.