Kindergarten Worksheets Greater Than Less Than. The children will cut out the alligator images for greater than and less than and paste them on the correct locations. Teach students how to use the greater than, less than, and equal to.
Greater Than and Less Than Alligator Math - Recipe for ... (Daisy Powell)
Greater Than and Less Than Worksheet. We have a nice variety to choose from and they range in difficulty. The greater than less than worksheets on this page show simple numbers, math facts, clock times and numbers in scientific notation that students compare to insert the right comparison operator to make the statement true.
These worksheets should be attempted after students are familiar with the concepts of "more than" and "less than" using groups of objects.
Children will learn to recognize numbers that are greater or less than other numbers, they will learn which way the symbols should point (ex. the symbol always points to the number that is less).
Greater than less than worksheet for Preschool by Viviana ...
Greater than - less than worksheets | K5 Learning
Greater than less than worksheet
Math Games Kindergarten Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To ...
Greater Than Less Than Math Activity - Busy Toddler
More or Less Worksheet - TENS | Have Fun Teaching
10 Greater Than, Less Than, Equal Draw the Sign Worksheets ...
30 Printable Greater Than Less Than Equal To Worksheets ...
Beautiful Teaching Greater Than and Less Than to ...
The crocodile is a greedy creature and will always try to eat. Enjoy your Kindergarten Greater than Less than with Pictures worksheet and. Check out 'Lesser Than Greater Than', our printable math worksheet for kids!