Ks 2 Maths Rounding Numbers Worksheet. The rounding numbers worksheets on this page have problems that gently introduce rounding and guide students using constrained problems This page contains links to free math worksheets for Rounding Numbers problems. Rounding means to convert numbers to simpler numbers so that calculations can be easily performed.
Round numbers up to a million - ks2 year 5 & 6 - rounding ... (Derek Ford)
Be a Super Mover and learn about rounding numbers with Laura Bubble. The result is less accurate, but easier to use. This math worksheet presents an equation and asks your child to use mental math skills to fill in the missing operation, either + or -.
Hold your mouse over the name of a skill to view a sample question.
Click one of the buttons below to see all of the worksheets in each set.
Rounding Worksheets | Rounding Worksheets for Practice
Rounding Decimals To Whole Numbers Round Decimals To The ...
Rounding to a given number of decimal places by ...
Rounding Numbers and Estimating | Teach My Kids
Rounding to the Nearest £ | Teach My Kids
KS2 - Rounding numbers and decimals - word problems - past ...
Round numbers up to the nearest one hundred - KS2 Maths ...
Check out this Bitesize animation and activity on how to round numbers. Award TWO marks for all three numbers in order as shown: Up to. Home > Math > Math Worksheets >Rounding Numbers Worksheets.