Knock Em Dead Resumes. I then worked with Martin on a new resume, followed by a bunch of other things I didn't know I needed. New York Times bestselling author Martin Yate has helped millions of people turn their lives around by finding great jobs and managing their careers more effectively.
I then worked with Martin on a new resume, followed by a bunch of other things I didn't know I needed.
At a time when companies can draw on resume banks containing millions of documents, you'll need to create a concise and powerful resume if you want to stand out.
Starting with creating a solid foundation with your resume, the Knock Em Dead books are integrated to deliver the building blocks of a new and unique. Do great, succeed, achieve above and beyond expectations. "Knock em dead boy, you'll do great" his mom yelled from the car. Knock 'em Dead Resumes: Standout Advice from America's Leading Job Search Authority.